Reeder & Brown, P.C.


Could a Juvenile Diversion Program Help Your Child Avoid Incarceration?

 Posted on February 01,2023 in Criminal Law

joliet juvenile criminal defense lawyerIf you are a parent, you probably spend a great deal of time and energy worrying about your child and the decisions that they are making. Unfortunately, children and teenagers can sometimes get involved with the wrong crowd and make decisions that lead to formal charges being filed in juvenile court. Young people may behave in reckless or illegal ways because they are trying to fit in, they struggle with an addiction or mental health problem, or for other reasons. If your son or daughter has been accused of a crime, a diversion program may help them avoid jail time and turn their life around.

What is the Purpose of a Diversion or Intervention Program?

Juvenile detention is similar to adult incarceration. Minors who are convicted of a crime are sent to juvenile detention as a punishment for their wrongdoing. Generally speaking, juvenile diversion and intervention programs are an alternative to incarceration which may be more likely to help your child stay out of the criminal justice system in the future.

While the structure of juvenile diversion programs varies from program to program, they all share the same goal: to help juveniles avoid becoming repeat offenders. Intervention and diversion programs can be highly beneficial to young people and their families. Studies have shown that these types of programs are overall much more effective at preventing future illegal activity than incarceration in juvenile detention is.

What Services Does an Intervention or Diversion Program Include?

Intervention and diversion programs can provide many services and opportunities to youth offenders including:

  • Job skills training

  • Educational opportunities and tutoring

  • Service-based learning programs

  • Screenings and assessments

  • Family counseling

  • Mental health assessment and treatment

  • Crisis intervention

  • Recreation and sports programs

In many instances, a diversion program can be customized to meet the specific needs of the juvenile participating in the program. It is important to note that not every youth offender may be eligible for a diversion program. These programs are generally reserved for young people who have been accused of minor offenses or who do not have an extensive juvenile record.

Contact a Will County Juvenile Defense Lawyer

At Reeder & Brown, P.C., we understand that having a child be accused of a crime can be devastating to the whole family. We realize that young people are going to make mistakes, and those who do deserve second chances. Our team will work hard to help your child avoid detention at all costs. Speak with an experienced Joliet juvenile defense attorney to learn more about alternatives to incarceration for your child. Call us today at 815-885-5980 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.



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