Reeder & Brown, P.C.


Everything You Need in a Parenting Plan

 Posted on November 20,2023 in Family Law

Will County lawyerParenting plans are a great way for divorcing parents to decide how to co-parent their children once the proceedings are finalized. It can help keep the courts out of the decision-making and allow the parents to create a cooperative and flexible way to care for their children. For help with a parenting plan or other issues concerning divorce and family law, it is best to consult an attorney with experience in these matters.

Mandatory Inclusions in Your Parenting Plan

To better determine the allocation of parental responsibilities following a divorce, a parenting plan must include certain things concerning the child's future well-being. The mandatory inclusions in a parenting plan are:

  • Which parent will hold significant decision-making responsibilities
  • The child's primary residence
  • The address of both parents
  • Employment information for both parents
  • Emergency notification information
  • How long a child will spend with both parents (parenting time)
  • How the parents plan to communicate during parenting time
  • Conflict resolutions concerning the child
  • How information is received and provided concerning the child (access to records)
  • Parenting time transportation methods
  • How future modifications will be addressed based on the occurrence of specific events that warrant change
  • The right of first refusal, if necessary

Each parent must file a parenting plan with these mandatory inclusions during a parental responsibilities case. The court will look over the plan presented by each parent when determining the allocation of parental responsibilities. Parents who agree on parental responsibilities can file jointly if they wish to do so. For help with what to put in a parenting plan, you can use a sample plan or consult an experienced attorney with knowledge of the subject.

When Should I File a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan must be filed within 120 days of the petition to allocate parental responsibilities. Parents can choose to file jointly if they agree with what is in the parenting plan. Parents who do not agree must file a separate parenting plan. Without a parenting plan by either parent, the court will determine parental responsibilities on what they deem is in the best interest of the child.

Contact a Will County, IL Family Law Attorney

The firm of Reeder & Brown, P.C. understands the delicate process of parents having to decide on their child's future. During a divorce, parents must do what is in the best interest of their child. Whether you plan to work cooperatively or adversarial toward your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you will want an experienced Joliet, IL divorce lawyer on your side. Contact the office at 815-885-5980 to set up an appointment and receive a free consultation on how we can help.

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