Reeder & Brown, P.C.


What Are the Advantages of Collaborative Divorce and Mediation?

 Posted on November 09,2021 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerOnce you’ve made the decision to get divorced, you have to choose from a wide variety of options and strategies. Do you want to try to do it yourself in an uncontested divorce? Is it better to approach the situation cooperatively, or to try to aggressively pursue everything you are hoping for? Do you want to utilize a large team of professionals, or keep the process as small as possible?

While not every situation allows parties to cooperate, there are two great alternative dispute resolution strategies that are highly effective even when the dynamic between divorcing spouses seems impossible to navigate: Collaborative divorce and mediation. Whether either of these options is good for you can be a tough decision to make, but a qualified Illinois divorce attorney may be able to provide advice.

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce involves both spouses hiring their own attorney who is committed to working together with a team to create a divorce agreement. Because attorneys are required to work with each other, everybody shares the goal of solving issues and reducing conflict. Spouses can hire a team of divorce professionals that may include a child psychologist, a divorce coach, financial professionals, as well as anyone else who might be helpful. If the collaborative divorce process fails, the entire team is dissolved and the attorneys cannot represent spouses in the future.


Mediation involves hiring one third-party professional who is trained in dispute resolution techniques. Mediators in Illinois are often attorneys who have experience in all aspects of divorce and can keep spouses focused on achieving a resolution rather than pursuing antagonistic strategies. Mediators are neutral, flexible, and can be a very efficient option for spouses who are committed to cooperating even if they struggle to agree.

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution Strategies

Although mediation and collaborative divorce are not the same, they share many similarities. The benefits of alternative dispute resolution include:

  • Lower levels of conflict and hostility
  • Spouses often find it easier to remain focused on problem-solving
  • Spouses can create a divorce agreement that is acceptable to both parties
  • Spouses are more likely to follow the terms of the divorce decree
  • The divorce process is often shorter and less expensive

Speak with a Joliet, IL Mediation Attorney

If you are facing the prospect of divorce, a Will County divorce mediation attorney can help you understand the available options and determine the best approach. We provide free initial consultations so you can meet our experienced staff and see why we have so many satisfied clients. We take your preferences into account and will work with you to create a comprehensive strategy that sees you through the divorce process from start to finish. Call our offices today at 815-885-5980 to schedule your first appointment.




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